As most of you know, I have been dealing with chronic health issues for some time now, and after a lot of serious thought, it saddens me to share with you that I have decided to cancel my Thursday yoga class at the Abbott/AbbVie Fitness Center. In addition, I have asked for my Thursday night candlelight class at Village Yoga Chicago to be turned over to another teacher. As a practitioner myself, I know how much we become to rely on consistency in both our practice and in our teachers to work with us as we grow with our yoga practice. I wish there were a better option, but it is simply not fair to those of you that work yoga into your schedules and rely on this time, space and balance. And these are simply things I cannot provide at this time until I am in a more centered space of my own.
In the meantime, I am going to keep working on me and on adapting to that which is beyond my control. I encourage you to get on your mats daily, even if just for a short practice or meditation on your own. Why do you practice yoga? Bring your attention and intention to that why, spend some time centering and connecting to your breath. You know your physical, spiritual and emotional needs best - So tune into the subtleties of movement and feeling from pose to pose and breath to breath... take your time, stay out of your mind, and do what feels right. You know what you're doing!
I miss you all and look forward to joining you all on the mat again soon. Thanks for your understanding, and while I'm not currently teaching, know that I am always here if you have questions or would like to chat!
With gratitude, live happy,